Ashley: See you soon Costa Rica!
“Traveling is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer.”
After stepping outside into the 6-degree air to slide to class on icy sidewalks this past week, I’ve come to the conclusion that I am becoming more eager each day to land in the beautiful, warm country of Costa Rica. Although I do love snowy winters, Costa Rica sounds much more appealing after this past month’s snows torms. So, the countdown begins—12 more days until we depart for our journey!
Before I even begin on my excitement, there are so many unanswered questions I am faced with. What should I pack? Will be able to communicate without speaking Spanish? What will my host family be like? And the list goes on and on and on. What I do know is no matter what I pack, or what my host family is like; I won’t take anything for granted while experiencing the beauty and culture of Costa Rica.
Traveling requires an open mind and an ability to adapt to new places. I cannot wait to learn so much about Costa Rica by physically being there and experiencing all it has to offer. My sister and also my roommate have both visited Costa Rica before and have informed me about its awesome culture. Most importantly, I will be immersed in the culture rather than taking a typical vacation.
Most people travel for vacation—spread out tanning in the sand, drinking colorful fruit cocktails, or being pampered in a spa. As a college student, Spring break is normally meant for partying on the beach somewhere with a thousand other students. Don’t get me wrong that sounds very fun, but I am more than excited to spend my Spring break in a much different manner. Living with a host family, visiting farms, and teaching a lesson plan to schoolchildren are experiences I would never get on my own. That’s what makes this trip so unique. Instead of visiting all the tourist attractions, we will be in the rural areas learning about the native culture.
Adventuring to new places always brings a challenge. For this trip, my biggest challenge will most likely be the language barrier. Communicating with my host family will definitely help me practice and become more aware of the Spanish language. I look forward to hanging out with the family, going to community events, and cooking with my host Mom—maybe I’ll even learn some new recipes! The meals they eat will be very different than American meals and I can’t wait to try them. Luckily, I’m not a very picky eater and am willing to try adventurous foods. By asking questions and using body language, I hope to overcome the language barrier challenge that I’ll be facing. When it comes to traveling, not only do you learn about a new culture, you always learn something new about yourself.
My favorite quote: “Traveling is the only thing you can buy that makes you richer (Unkonwn)” has a lot of meaning to me. Growing up in a family that values traveling very highly led me to the decision to travel as much as I can while I’m young. Traveling is the highest valued thing you can spend your money on. No matters where you go or who you’re with, you will always have the experience of a lifetime.
See you soon Costa Rica!
Ashley Lansdowne
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