Dear Future Self,
Right now I am rapidly, I say rapidly! approaching the day that I will depart for my trip to Costa Rica! Isn’t this exciting? I know it is! And I bet you do too, because when you read this you’ll probably have just gotten back. Everything is fresh in your mind and you are overwhelmed by new experiences. I just wanted to write to you to remind you about all of the things past you hoped that you would learn on this trip, so that you can reflect on them now. Think of me, ripe with anticipation for this trip and all of the new and exciting things I will get to do and learn. And think of future you, someone who is going to want to have something to take her back to those warm activity packed days. Don’t be selfish now… I know you’re feeling lazy. Plus why would you need to write this stuff down? Of course you’re going to remember it! And you’re tired… and you have school tomorrow… but no more excuses! Past you knows better. I know that future future me will want to have something to read in 5 years when something reminds her of this trip. And I know that she isn’t going to remember all the details that are so fresh in your mind right now. But they’re really important! And she’s going to want to remember them. So I need you to think of future you. And here are some of the things I think future you would like to remember. Yes, please get out a pen and paper now. Don’t worry; you can keep me off to the side for reference.
Talk about the weather, and the landscape. What were the views like? What did it sound like? Were there birds? Where the planes? How is living in Costa Rica different from living in the United States?
About your host family:
What were their names? What did the house look like? Did you make a connection with anyone particular in your host family? Are there any funny moments or things that you learned that stick out in your memory right now? Talk about what types of clothes they wore, and how the house smelled. Were there customs that the family practiced that were strange to you? If so, what were they? How is this family different, or similar, to your own?
About new things that you tried:
What kinds of foods did you eat? Did you try anything new that you loved? Or hated? How do Costa Rican’s view diet and nutrition? Is there anything new that scared you, or made you nervous? Did you do it anyway? Are you glad you did?
About new things that you learned:
Which of the activities was your favorite and why? Is there anything that you were taught that made you think differently about something that you do in your regular life? Maybe there’s something that you would like to change about your daily habits now? Were you inspired by anything in particular that you learned?
So there are my ideas for what to reflect on. Feel free to use these, or talk about anything else that you will want to remember later. Don’t let future you down! Past you is counting on it.
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